Helping future pilots in New Zealand realise their aviation dream through the Pauwels Flying Scholarship.
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Welcome to the website of New Zealand’s prestigious aviation flying scholarship, the Pauwels Flying Scholarship.
With a desire to take to the skies, aspiring pilots are now presented with the opportunity to get a start in the industry. The scholarship has been set up for students by giving them a hand up, enabling them to achieve their dreams. The Pauwels Flying Scholarship awards a training package worth about $13,000. John Pauwels, benefactor of the Scholarship, awards $10,000 for flying hours and participating Flight Training Organisations award about $3000 in pilot theory lessons and the uniform jacket.
Dream it. Do it.

Our Candidates.
Our candidates need to demonstrate a number of qualities and traits to be considered for the Scholarship.

Making the dream of flying
accessible to all
“During my career, I saw first hand who was getting ahead and I became aware that those without the means were being left behind. I chose to commit my retirement years to help bring diversity to the flight deck.”