Ben Williams – Our First Special Award Winner to Graduate!

To say we are proud of Ben is an understatement! Here’s his story…

Ben received his Scholarship in 2021.

Ben was nominated by his CFI at the South Canterbury Aero Club. He was the first of our recipients to not come from Christchurch.

Following discreet enquiries with his parents, it was clear that Ben was an excellent candidate.

Ben is our oldest recipient so far and he was further along in his commitment to become a pilot.

Ben and his brother are adopted and Ben’s brother has health issues.

Ben’s father is an agricultural mechanic and is of Ngāi Tahu heritage. His mother cares fulltime for his brother, and this can be challenging at times. Ben shares care for his brother when at home.

Ben showing his family how it’s done

Ben was a good scholar and is very much a realist. It is clear he is a strategic planner.

Ben was a scout throughout his childhood. He participated in workshops teaching internet and computer skills to the elderly; and he has fundraised for the local foodbank. He was the youth representative on the aeroclub committee for some time.

Although his passion is to be an airline pilot, he also knew that his family didn’t have the means to help. Since discovering the fire in his belly several years ago, at the age of 15, he took on the total responsibility to finance his flying training and reach his goal. He got a part time role in the town’s supermarket and once he had completed school, he took up a full time role at the supermarket. They had recognised his leadership skills and within a year he was a department manager.

Ben pursued his grocery career as he knew he needs a fall back if he was unable to succeed in becoming a pilot, but it is clear to everyone that aviation is his first love. He would live at the aeroclub if he could! Every hour he flies is one hour closer to his goal of being an airline pilot.

He started at IAANZ in mid-2022 and graduated on 11th July 2023.

Ben receiving his Scholarship from John.

As planned so long ago, he has returned home to Geraldine and is now working towards getting to 150 hours Pilot in Command flight time while training to be a C-Cat Instructor at South Canterbury Aero Club. He is hour building whilst training. They are delighted to have him back in their fold.

In Ben’s words –

“Reaching my Commercial Pilots License has been the dream for many years, and now I’ve reached that dream.

A lot of work has gone into achieving my CPL, from the countless hours of study and preparation, there were many up and downs but having achieved all of this is something for me to be very proud of. My journey so far has been amazing, from seeing many parts of the South Island during my cross country phase/ hour building to getting my instrument rating and flying through the clouds, it has all been fun and a good challenge.

I now look towards the next step of the journey, completing my C Cat instructors rating, to be able to share my passion with the next lot of aspiring pilots. I’ve always looked at my instructors as mentors and to be able to soon be that for others is pretty cool. I think that seeing my students achieving their goals that I was so proud to achieve will be an awesome feeling.

Alongside C-CAT, some other goals I have for now is getting my tailwheel rating in the Cub and also to do some more aerobatics flying. One of my first flights was an aerobatic trial flight and it was so fun, so I’d love to do some more.”

We are pleased that Ben’s life plans are falling into place for him and at quite an impressive pace.

We are proud that we have been able to help Ben get well on his way to being an airline pilot.

If anyone reading this article feels they can help Ben in any way reach his goal, please get in touch at


Cameron Healey – A Kiwi who finally got his airline wings at nearly 50 years old.
