Values Based Selection.

Alongside our push to diversify the pilot ranks, we are also mindful of good citizenship, particularly when the role of commercial pilot is so well paid.

After reading the book Davos Man by Peter S Goodman, I was appalled at the morals and ethics of the uber wealthy. But the thing that upset me the most was that some of these people began life like the rest of us ‘normal people’. However, they accrued their wealth off the backs of those less able or fortunate than themselves. Their personal gain was more important than the basic needs of those around them.

As such, when it comes to the Pauwels Flying Scholarship Special Award, citizenship is something I consider just as importantly as I consider family background.

If multiple talented individuals are presented to me as profiles to consider for a go at being a recipient of the Award, the final decision of choosing whom I’d put forward to undergo the assessment program would boil down to how the candidate interacts with their community.

Anaru Jackson was our inaugural Special Award recipient, in fact, it was because of his integrity and extent of community involvement, with no hope or expectation of being acknowledged for it, that inspired us to create the Special Award. This was our way of acknowledging his efforts and identifying that he had the traits we seek in the others that follow in his footsteps.

From running children’s programmes in the School Holidays, being active in ANZAC Day services, to helping the City Mission, teaching sailing to young people, being environmentalists and helping the elderly gain mastery with internet use; our Awardees have an admirable set of social skills and commitment to their community and environment. Their desire and readiness to help others around them is their common driver.

As our band of winners and recipients grows, I am content that we are choosing people that not only will become captains in the airlines and companies they choose to work for, but that they will be in even better positions to continue helping their ‘ground bound’ community and environment.

True Leaders in every aspect of the title.


Tech Crew Decision Making.


Pandemic Impacts and Pilot Demands.