Our Inaugural Winner has Graduated!

It is with immense pleasure and delight that we announce that our inaugural winner of the Pauwels Flying Scholarship has completed his training at the International Aviation Academy of New Zealand here in Christchurch.  

Wen Seng Chen was awarded the Scholarship when he was just 15 years old in 2018. He had to cool his heels whilst he waited to finish school and become old enough to train. However, he was busy with an after school job raising funds to help fund his education.

Wen is the son of Chinese immigrants. His mother cleans campervans and his father runs a fish and chip shop. Wen had always wanted to fly but had put the dream out of his mind as he felt it was simply a goal that wasn’t available to someone in his position. Winning the Scholarship showed him his dream was well and truly back on the table.

As our inaugural winner, Air New Zealand came to the party and hosted him in a session on the B777 simulator. John and I accompanied him; and I have to say – this thing is a behemoth and a sight and sensation to be seen to be believed! After a few circuits around Los Angeles airport, Wen landed the plane like a pro! The Jet Pilot Interviewer (Simulator Phase) remarked that had Wen had the appropriate qualifications he would have recommended that he be employed by Air New Zealand. A mighty complement indeed.

Wen understands he is only part way to his dream. He has applied for a Government funded training course to earn his ‘C’ Cat Flying Instructor’s qualification. Whilst he waits for that, he will continue to work to raise funds for flying to increase his hours.

He will also be travelling around New Zealand to introduce himself to tourism aviation operators and drop his CV to them, so he gets known. Wen also features in the video on our website.

For potential employers, Wen Seng had to undergo a three phase assessment to be awarded his Scholarship. He was interviewed by two Air New Zealand pilots, using the Air New Zealand interview questions and techniques, he underwent an ADAPT test and completed simulator and exam testing at IAANZ. He has been put through the fire and found to be solid gold. And obviously, we’ll put a good word in for him!


A Typical Long Haul Pilot Duty


Now is the perfect time to become a pilot