Our first Scholarship winner for 2023 – Introducing Abi Carter

Abi came to our attention via her sister who wrote to us wondering if Abi might meet our criteria for the Scholarship, as Abi didn’t think she did. We encouraged Sophie to get Abi to apply – as we were sure she did!

Abi’s 20 years journeying on this planet have taken her to a darker place than any of us can imagine. Somewhere where lions fear to tread, let alone pilots. However, although her experiences were pretty monstrous, Abi knew life was supposed to be so much better. A rosy life wasn’t coming to her any time soon, so she got up, brushed herself off and went to find the kind of life she had always wanted.

She found that the only way life was going to get better was if she made things happen and chose not to be a victim. With the solid support of her maternal grandparents and her younger sisters, Abi not only got onto an even keel, getting a great job and stabilising her home life, Abi even found time to pursue her life long love of aviation and wanting to be a pilot.

Abi with her sisters, mother and devoted grandparents

In the last year, Abi began her flight lessons and managed to blitz all PPL Theory exams in a club record time of only 32 days. She applied to Nelson Aviation College to begin her commercial pilot training with them and without hesitation they offered her a position on the course beginning in February 2024.

Meanwhile, we received her application form, our jaws dropping with the story of her life. She was able to demonstrate that she had the superior strength of character to leave her personal history behind, gain a Class 1 medical and begin her spirited march into her future as an airline pilot.

We approached our sponsorship partner, the mana wahine, Angela, from the Gattung Foundation, and told her Abi’s story. In no time at all, we got an emphatic ‘Heck, Yes!’ back as they chose to sponsor Abi should she pass the outstanding assessment phase for the Pauwels Flying Scholarship Special Award.

We met Abi in person on the 4th October this year and right from the get go, she shined. She dazzled our Air New Zealand pilot interviewers, Dave and Ben, who were as impressed by her as we had been. And secretly (just between you and us, reader) we knew by the end of the day that she would be awarded the Scholarship – we just needed to get all the T’s crossed, and I’s dotted before we could offer it to her.

Earlier this week (21st November) we travelled to Tauranga and Angela travelled from her holiday home to meet us at the Tauranga Aero Club so we could present her with her trophy. It was a great day, and we could see how proud her sisters and grandparents were as well as her instructors and club members.

Angela Gattung, Abi and John - smiles all round!

Abi, we can’t wait to hear of your updates as you progress through your training and into your first commercial job. We’ve got your back.


Introducing Our Second Winner for 2023 – Alika Hunn


Times. They Keep A-Changing! – Most Especially in Aviation